Earn voucher code rewards for brands including Spotify, Apple and Virgin Experience Days whenever friends and social connections buy at seetickets.com as normal using your unique Fan Share link. Follow the steps below to get started.
1– Sign up to Fan Share here.
2 – Get your unique and trackable link to share with friends and social connections. Make sure they buy through your link when purchasing at seetickets.com (this is important as this is how reward points are allocated to you)
3 – Earn points whenever your link is used. Build up your points balance to redeem online voucher code rewards from travel, music, tech and experience brands including Spotify, Apple, Cineworld and Virgin Experience Days.
4 – You can check your points balance and the status of any rewards by logging into your Fan Share account at any time.
5 – Rewards will automatically be awarded to you through your Fan Share account.
You can get in touch with our Fan Share team at any time using the contact details listed in the account.